Lost In Translation


When setting up business in a foreign country, language barriers can prove a problem and a translator is likely to feature close to the top of your list of services to find. And with the majority of foreign companies in Cambodia not being fluent in written or spoken Khmer, finding a reliable translation and interpreting company is essential, claims Pyramid Managing Director Sov Chhun Tek.

With more than two decades of experience, Pyramid has been offering quality translation and interpretation since the early 90s when the UN was on the lookout for such services. From humble beginnings, it has grown and now caters for a wide range of national and international NGOs, as well as private companies.

Sov says, “Translating can be a very tough job as accuracy and reliability are very important factors.” To ensure consistently high standards, Pyramid’s team is made of trained linguists with a wealth of experience. The multi-lingual team includes Khmer translators and interpreters who are skilled in two to three languages, foreign translators, interpreters and consultants from differing nationalities and specialties. It also boasts Cambodia’s largest network of freelance translators.

Most requests for translations are for Khmer, English and French, but Pyramid often gets requests for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Spanish and German, and thus has several foreign translators waiting in the wings. Requests are often for newspaper adverts, private and official documents, reports, speeches and books, with each translation going through three stages to ensure accuracy.

“It’s important to cross-check and for documents to be read through by different staff at least three times,” he says. “This helps to ensure accuracy and consistency. Before agreeing to take an assignment on, we always take a look through it first as well to make sure we are able to complete it to the highest standard.”

Accuracy, confidentiality and consistency are three vital components to translation and interpretation services, he adds. Accuracy is essential as it is illegal to change a document without any knowledge of the relevance of the point that is being talked about and some documents from NGOs, private organisations and the government may also contain sensitive information that needs to be kept confidential. Pyramid also deals with visas, translating forms and applications to embassies and ministries.

For more information, visit www.pyramidtranslate.com