Most Popular HR Software Solutions In Cambodia


Despite there being no shortage of excellent, purpose-built software options, most business owners in Cambodia still opt to use Excel or pen and paper for bookkeeping and to store HR data. All over the world, businesses are replacing manual and paper-based processes with digital workflows and content automation, making their administration swifter, and relying on the cloud to securely store data. Are Cambodian businesses following suit? They are, albeit slowly… perhaps too slowly. Microsoft Excel remains the number one choice among Cambodia-based businesses for bookkeeping and storage of data relating to human resources. 

According to Xlconsulting’s Craig Arnoldt, this makes these companies’ internal processes highly inefficient and in dire need of an update. “Excel is not a very good database product. HR data is inherently better stored in a true database; which is what a purpose-designed HR solution would use,” Arnoldt says. With the country rapidly gravitating towards more a complex and regulated legal and tax system, companies can no longer depend on pen and paper or simple software like Excel. “This is a dawn of a new era in Cambodia,” says Anthony Galliano, Chairman of Premium Human Resources. “If companies are to comply with ever changing labour and tax laws, provide employee benefits, properly maintain employee records, and plan careers and track performance, then it can’t be done on Word or Excel. HR software is a must.” Fortunately, business owners based in Cambodia can take advantage of a host of HR software solutions to boost efficiency and increase data security. To find out which ones are popular among Cambodia-based businesses, B2B talks to IT consultants, HR managers and business owners operating in the capital: 



 HReasily was recently launched in Cambodia. A new version of the software that will be able to compute Cambodian taxes is expected soon. Operating out of Singapore, HReasily is a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider that focuses on HR solutions for all types of enterprises. This year their software suite – comprised of three products: PAYROLLeasily, STAFFeasily and LEAVEeasily – reached the Kingdom, with new versions of the programs expected very soon. The suite is a cloud-based, all-in-one HR solution that enables business owners to automate their workflow. It streamlines payroll calculations (the website promises that you’d be spending just 5 minutes per month on payroll), and helps you manage your staff records and leaves, while also allowing real-time access to users across multiple devices. 

HReasily is praised by users for its simplicity and affordability. “It has the potential to save business owners significant amounts of time. The system is easy to use, resulting in little initial training time and a learning curve that is not too challenging,” says Fiona Jaensch, general manager at Sojourn Boutique Villas in Siem Reap. According to Pascal Henry, HReasily’s founding partner, the software can integrate with different accounting programs and POS systems, allowing business owners to pay only for what they really need. Currently, the software doesn’t compute Cambodian taxes, but the programmers are planning to make this feature available soon. 


CreHRIS comes to us courtesy of Cresittel, an IT firm founded in Phnom Penh in 2009 staffed by more than 30 highly qualified professionals from all over the world. Having been built from the ground up in Cambodia by a mixed team of Khmer and international professionals, CreHRIS guarantees a better adaptation to the local tax and legal systems than most mainstream ERP software. Much like with HReasily, the focus here is on automation and digitalisation of processes, getting rid of repetitive, time-consuming paper-based activities. CreHRIS is a tailor-made solution, fully customisable according to customer’s specifications. A consultant team works closely with users to analyse their internal processes and optimise the system. 

Cresittel has been offering its CreHRIS software solution since May 2010, and some of its users include engineering firm Comin Khmere, local NGO Pour un Sourire d'Enfant and telecom giant Smart Axiata. The software’s adaptability and Cresittel’s support service are highly praised. “The software confidently manages all aspects of an HR department,” says Vann Tola, HRA Manager at Chief (Cambodia) Specialized Bank. “It is flexible and can generate digital processes according to your company’s needs. Their technical support is also outstanding.” Irina Afonina, Chairman at Cresittel, tells us that CreHRIS started off as a solution for medium and large enterprises, but, over the years, they have modified their system to address the needs of SMEs as well. 



Amatak’s Hyperman system is used by a slew of big names in town, including Brown Coffee, Samic, and the Ming Wuoy Group. Amatak Solutions, the creators of Hyperman, is a local IT firm specialising in software and database development, web design, mobile app development, and consulting. Their software is aimed at companies of all sizes, regardless of industry. Unlike other software discussed in this article, Hyperman is closer to an ERP solution, covering not only HR, but also customer relationship management (CRM), accounting and bookkeeping. Aside from storing employee data in a central place and automating HR processes, Hyperman also deals with billing and receipts, accounts receivables and accounts payable and the general ledger. 

In the words of Savun Cheam, Amatak’s founder and general manager, “it is not just an HR system, but an online collaborative business suite that provides an all-in-one system administration.” Hyperman is web-based and can be accessed from anywhere through any online device. It also provides a forum where employees can communicate securely and effectively. It can be customised to fit a company’s particular needs. Hyperman has been in the market for two years and is currently being used by a good number of leading enterprises in the capital, in both the corporate and the non-profit sectors, including Infinity General Insurance, the AZ Group, and WWF Cambodia. 

Conical Hat Payroll HR: 

Biztools Enterprise Solution Technologies (BEST) (also known as Conical Hat) was established in Cambodia in 2005, expanding into Vietnam in 2011. During the last 12 years, the company has developed a full range of financial and business applications. Conical Hat Payroll HR is their solution to help businesses streamline their HR processes, developed specifically for SMEs operating in Cambodia. Like other software mentioned in this article, it automates the payroll process and manages employee details, making them available in a secure, centralised location. Conical Hat Payroll HR has been purposely built for a Cambodian context, offering key features like multi-lingual interface (with Khmer and English options), and the ability to automatically convert from Riel to US dollars and vice versa. 

Conical Hat Payroll HR has also been developed with the evolving Cambodian tax system in mind, boasting the ability to generate monthly withholding tax salary returns and other tax documents that are fully compliant with the requirements of the General Department of Taxation. Although already in the market for over a decade, the software continues to be updated regularly in order to keep up with changes in the tax system. The software can also import employee information from Excel, and produce a multitude of reports using Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). Conical Hat’s clients include international transport and logistics company Maersk, the Cambodian Red Cross and local property developers Borey Peng Houth.