China Should Invest In Battambang Milling Plant

The Minister of Commerce Pan Sorasak urged a Hunan-based company to take advantage of the vast, untapped potential in the agricultural sector and to invest in an export processing plant in Battambang. He made the request to the chairman of the Global Ecological Co Ltd Yang Guoping last Friday. Mr Guoping was on a visit to explore the possibility for a rice milling plant in Battambang and for potential investment in Siem Reap and Preah Sihanoukville. “Cambodia has a huge, untapped potential in the sector with vast room for foreign investment in the export processing segment—especially in rice, mango, dragon eyes, corn and cassava. “At the same time, the company can invest in silos for distribution to the local market and for export,” Mr Sosarak said. The Minister also highlighted the potential sectors in Preah Sihanoukville which is Cambodia’s main economic corridor. “The province has a deep-see port and multi-purpose ports, as well as a special economic zone with more than 100 factories in operation,” he said. Mr Yang concurred on the huge potential in the country, including sectors related to trade, agriculture, industry and tourism. “We will share the information to the Governor of Hunan province, who will pay an official visit to Cambodia in November. “We can also help to create more job opportunities and it can contribute to the country’s economic growth,” he said. Last Thursday, Cambodia signed a deal with China for the shipment of bananas which was made possible after the observance of strict Chinese sanitary and phytosanitary requirements. A first batch of Cambodian bananas will reach China’s market next year. This article was originally published in the Khmer Times.