Foreigners Present in Cambodia System (FPCS)


A new electronic form via an app called the Foreigners Present in Cambodia System (FPCS) has been rolled out in Cambodia to record data on foreigners living and visiting the Kingdom. 

According to Article 18 of the Law on Immigration to Cambodia, all foreigners were already required to be registered, which until 2020 could be done at a local Police Station.

What is the Foreigners Present in Cambodia System (FPCS)?

General Department of Immigration spokesman General Keo Vanthan confirmed gathering the data, saying the government 'has mandated all foreigners who live in Cambodia to fill in the form as it needs to record data about the Kingdom’s foreign residents and visitors.' 

“Owners of hotels, guesthouses, condominiums and houses are obligated to fill these forms. The owners need to report to the police about the foreigners staying in their properties within 24 hours of accommodation,” said General Vanthan. According to a report in the Khmer Times, the first expatriates living in Cambodia were being logged into the system via the app. 

This involved a face-to-face visit from officials to a foreigner who had an interview and recorded information such as where the person lives or works on the app.  

Foreigners Present in Cambodia System


The man claimed to have been interviewed in a hotel in the capital and was asked for his photograph, a copy of his lease agreement, passport and a copy of his passport. 

The application was created in 2019 and launched in January, 2020. According to its homepage, the application will record information about foreigners upon their arrival in Cambodia, as well as their departure from the Kingdom. 

There is a warning that non-registration could result in legal action and extensions of visa stays may be denied for foreigners. There is a video tutorial available here of how the app works from the General Department of Immigration (although the video has Khmer narration, the images are with English text). (See an updated article on April 28, 2020, here)

  • Please note, if you have questions or issues with the FPCS app, we recommend you contact the Interior Ministry’s General Department of Immigration - we are not associated with the app.