German Business Cambodia, EuroCham and GIZ renew MoU

The GIZ Business Scouts for Development Programme (BSfD),  has extended its MoU between German Business Cambodia (GBC) and EuroCham until the 31st of December 2023. German Business Cambodia, EuroCham and GIZ renew MoU Photo Credit: German Business Cambodia the GIZ BSfD, formerly known as Global Business Network Programme (GBN), aims to promote the cooperation of local and European companies through its office in Cambodia and other countries. They are located at the EuroCham Cambodia office in the capital. The programme is being implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) reports GBC. Tassilo Brinzer, president of the GBC said: “This is a very close partnership between the three most important parties for economic growth within the German, European and Cambodian business networks: the BSfD, which is structurally closely linked with sustainable German and European development policies; the GBC and EuroCham Cambodia, two key drivers of business networking, trade and investment support and advocacy in Cambodia; and ultimately, the Cambodian and German/European companies and investors who are looking to grow their business ties and imports and exports between Europe, Germany and Cambodia”. Tassilo Brinzer is also the CEO of Globe Media Asia; Chairman of EuroCham Cambodia; Vice-Chair, EU–ASEAN Business Council. The German Business in Cambodia was created in 2001 as a platform for German businesses in Cambodia, and for information exchange between members and local and international businesses who seek to operate in Cambodia states their website. The Business Scouts for Development Programme works in close cooperation with the network of German Chambers of Commerce Abroad (AHK). You can find out about more Business Chambers & Associations in Cambodia here.