Government Developing Policies On Eco-tourism And Coastal Areas

In response to the developing tourism sector in Cambodia, the Ministry of Tourism is currently compiling rules and regulations on the management of eco-tourism and coastal areas. Last year, Cambodia welcomed 6.2 million of foreign tourists, up 11 percent compared to 2017. KT/Chor Sokunthea Koeut Puthvory, under-secretary of state of the Ministry of Tourism, said the ministry has been cooperating with relevant ministries and institutions in formulating regulatory documents to respond to the developments in the tourism industry. Speaking at a workshop on tourism yesterday, Mr Puthvory said developing laws and regulations is currently a strategic priority to ensure sustainable tourism management and development, as well as protecting the environment and practising good governance. “The Ministry of Tourism has created regulations on tourism and a number of legal documents for managing tourism, but those have not been able to respond to current developments in Cambodia, the region and globally,” Mr Puthyvory said. “It is pushing us to establish further legal norms.” Chhay Sivlin, president of the Cambodia Association of Travel Agents, said that it is important to have regulation to control tourism activities and resorts. “The trend among tourists, both national and international, is not only focusing on cultural areas anymore, but focus on coastal and ecotourism sites have increased,” Ms Sivlin said. “So it is important to have regulations to manage it.” “We hope that with the regulations, they will encourage relevant parties, both the government and private sector, to join in to develop and establish creative potential attractions, particularly infrastructure and tourism-related facilities,” Ms Sivlin said. As of 2018, the ministry established a total of 70 regulatory documents including the National Policy on Tourism and Eco-tourism 2019-2030, Strategic Planning for Tourism Development, and Strategic Human Resource Development Strategies for Tourism. The establishment also included sub-decrees, inter-ministerial announcements, and code of conducts that are aimed to regulate the tourism sector development. Last year, Cambodia welcomed 6.2 million of foreign tourists, up 11 percent compared to 2017. This article was originally published in the Khmer Times.