Gov't Issues Prakas On Fines For Violations Of Labour Law

shutterstock_342224861 The Ministry of Economics and Finance issued Prakas No. 659 on Monetary Fines for Violations of the Labour Law, dated June 6, 2016.  The Prakas sets out the fines that apply to employers shall they fail to comply with the provisions of the Labour Law. The fees are calculated based on a daily fee (40,000 riel for every offense) and the number of days that the employer/company has been in violation of the law. Offenses addressed in the Prakas include "discrimination in the workplace" (Article 12 of the Labour Law), "not having a copy of the Labor Law at the workplace" (Article 14), and "not having a written contract between employee and employer" (Article 45). The Prakas also sets out what ministries and governmental departments will be the recipients of the income generated by the collected fees. For the original version of the Prakas (Khmer), click here. For an English translation of the Prakas, click here (unofficial translation by CAMFEBA).