Ministry Pushing To Get E-Commerce Law Passed Next Year

 Cambodia's first e-commerce law will help protect consumers and business in trade over the internet. 

Details of the draft of Cambodia’s first e-commerce law are currently being worked on by the Ministry of Commerce, with the hope that it will be ready and then passed by the National Assembly as early as the middle of next year. Minister of Commerce 

Pan Sorasak said on Friday that the draft needs more work before it is submitted, with discussions ongoing between key stakeholders including the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Ministry of Justice, National Bank of Cambodia, and the Council of Jurists of the Council of Ministers. 


 Cambodia's Minister of Commerce Pan Sorasak says e-commerce has no borders. MOC.GOV.KH “Presently, we work in a physical space which we can see when we conduct trade. But e-commerce is not that way. It is a big environment that we cannot see,” added the Minister. “Anything we require, we can purchase immediately via computer and e-commerce has no borders.” With 12 chapters divided into 90 articles, the draft of the e-commerce law covers details on credit and debit card usage, the use of online signatures to purchase goods over the internet, and gives rules for trading companies to ensure the security of consumers when making online payments. 

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