MLVT issues notice on updating employees contact numbers

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MLVT) has issued notification 009/20 on the 'Requirements for Updating Contact Phone Numbers of Employees'. A number of Business Chambers like AusCham and EuroCham have circulated emails to notify their members of the requirements and labelled the notification as urgent. The MLVT is instructing owners, directors, or administrative managers of companies, factories, enterprises and hotels to submit the phone numbers by 26th March 2020. They also advise that failing to update the phone numbers will be penalised in accordance with the Law on Labour.
The notice requires staff responsible for administration and accounting to record the phone numbers for all employees and submit the updates as an MS Excel file to [email protected]. "The list of employees must align with the list of employees in the monthly declaration form submitted to the National Social Security Fund with an additional column inserted for the phone numbers."
The original list must be sealed with the enterprise's stamp on all pages and submitted to the Department of Labour Inspection of the MLVT or the provincial/municipal Department of Labour and Vocational Training for those enterprises located in the provinces/towns.
There is a link to the official notice in English from the Ministry here.
We can't confirm if this related to the current COVID-19 pandemic or as another precaution.