NordCham Launched For Better Business And Viking Parties

 From left to right: NordCham founders Kjeld Olsen, Teemu Jantunen and Morten Kvammen, Swedish Ambassador Maria Sargen, Danish Ambassador Uffe Wolffhechel and EuroCham chairman Arnaud Darc. SCANDASIA.COM

The Nordic Chamber of Commerce held their inaugural meeting last week at the stylish Black Bambu restaurant, with the three men behind it – Kjeld Olsen, Morten Kvammen and Teemu Jantunen – revealing NordCham’s mission statement “to be the platform for engaging with Nordic businesses and activities in Cambodia”. 

Nordic inspired tapas was served to the 45 people in attendance, mainly Scandinavians. It was announced that the chamber would be working closely with EuroCham. “We are stronger together. Stronger together as the Nordic Chamber, but with EuroCham we are even stronger and more valuable for European companies in Cambodia,” said Arnaud Darc, French entrepreneur and chairman of EuroCham. Both the Danish and Swedish Ambassadors to Cambodia expressed their approval for the initiative during speeches, while Uffe Wolffhechel, Ambassador of Denmark to Thailand and Cambodia, said he hoped it would be a success as “then this will be a historical night”. NordCham is to organise breakfast events with CEO’s, evening networking events, company visits and evening forums to engage in business relations. They also hope to be able to host several social events such as crayfish parties, Lucia parades, Christmas lunch and even a party inspired by Nordic Vikings. 

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