Steel Mill Discussed For Sihanoukville Industrial Park

 A steel mill at the Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone would help reduce Cambodia's reliance on steel imports from Vietnam, China and Thailand. 

Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) may play host to a new steel mill built and run by a Chinese company, SSEZ’s marketing department chief Gu Xia told the Phnom Penh Post on Saturday. 

“The scale [of the investment] is still under discussion, but according to their plans it will offer jobs for maybe 400 to 500 workers,” said Gu, who declined to name the firm. Jointly operated by Jiangsu Taihu Cambodia International Economic Cooperation Investment Co Ltd and Cambodia International Investment Development Group Ltd, SSEZ is the largest industrial park of its kind in Cambodia with over 100 tenants and a total of 88 mostly-Chinese factories currently operating inside the 1,113-hectare space, providing jobs for roughly 15,000 workers. Cambodia’s steel imports dropped by just over a third last year compared to 2014, but industrialists are keen to reduce the reliance on countries such as Vietnam, China and Thailand for steel for local construction projects, as well as reduce the price. 

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