Thailand To Host Regional Base For Alibaba Product Distribution

thailand-cambodia-alibaba-trade-centre-featured-image China’s biggest e-commerce company is expected to finalise its investment plans with Thailand before the end of this year, after also setting its foothold in Malaysia. Alibaba Group, the Chinese e-commerce giant, is planning to set up a regional electronic-trade centre and logistics system in Thailand to help link the markets of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV), according to Thailand’s Industry Minister Uttama Savanayana.   “The project in which Alibaba will join hands with Thailand is the e-commerce park, which will be the base to distribute products in this region. Its location is being arranged now,” said the Minister. “Meanwhile, a promotional mechanism for Thai SMEs and community enterprises will be created and SMEs will be developed to gain access to e-commerce. This is a big investment that covers a big area in Thailand.” Alibaba Group has recognised that Thailand has a good logistics system, with small and medium-sized Thai enterprises that trade through Alibaba to gain benefits that comply with the “Thailand 4.0” policy requiring all businesses to enter e-commerce. “Alibaba is the global e-commerce giant. Establishing its investment bases in several countries like Indonesia and Malaysia is normal. Meanwhile, Thailand will be the regional base for product distribution,” said Kanit Sangsubhan, secretary-general of Thailand’s Eastern Economic Corridor. For more on this story, click here.