Two More Provinces To Be Able To Issue Certificates Of Origin

Producers, traders and exporters in Ratanakkiri and Tbong Khmum can now apply online for certificates of origin for their exports, submitting applications through the website of their respective provincial commerce department. A group of workers load dried cassava bags into a truck. KT/Mai Vireak According to a recent government announcement, provincial authorities in Ratanakkiri and Tbong Khmum are now able to issue the ‘D form’ needed to obtain the certificate of origin. Seang Thai, spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, told Khmer Times the two provinces have now joined a programme that seeks to facilitate exports in provinces that share a border with other countries by enabling provincial authorities to issue certificates of origin. The programme, which was launched in November, also includes Palin, Battambang, Banteay Meanchey and Oddar Meanchey. “The Ministry of Commerce is delegating the issuance of D forms for certificates of origin to provincial departments of commerce across the country which will facilitate business activity and exports, and save time and money to people,” he said. Mr Thai said producers and exporters can now apply for the D forms online, which will be printed and stamped at their local commerce department. Phou Thealom, director of Ratanakkiri’s Commerce Department, welcomed the move. “Exporters from my province won’t need to travel to Phnom Penh anymore. They will be able to export their products to Vietnam faster,” he said Mr Thai said Svay Rieng will be the next province to become part of the initiative, joining the programme next month. “Our target is to expand the programme to every province that borders another country,” he said. This article was originally published in the Khmer Times. [democracy id="170"]