
10th Anniversary Of Shanty Town Spirit Association Celebrated At Raffles Hotel


'Shanty Town Spirit - Association Ermine Norodom', co-founded by Princess Ermine Norodom and HRH Prince Narithipong Norodom, held a special 'Thank You' event and 10th anniversary celebration on December 7, 2023 at Raffles Hotel Le Royal. 

The event was attended by over 200 guests, including supporters and friends of the association, and marked a decade of commitment to improving the lives of underprivileged communities.  

Since its inception in 2013, the association has been dedicated to aiding those in need, starting with a focus on a slum town in the Beoung Trabek area in Phnom Penh. Today, it extends its support to over 300 families through health, hygiene, education, special needs assistance, and leisure activities. 

Princess Ermine Norodom speaking at Shanty Town Spirit Association's 10th anniversary celebration.
 Princess Ermine Norodom speaking at Shanty Town Spirit Association's 10th anniversary celebration.

"10 years ago, my husband and I created the Association to ensure we could help whoever needed it, not just those who qualified!" said Princess Ermine on the night of the celebration. "We believe that everyone, regardless of age, status or wealth, should have access to basic human needs and and we are very grateful for the continued support of our partners and donors who have made this all possible."

The Royal Ballet performing at Shanty Town Spirit Association's 10th anniversary event.
 The Royal Ballet performing at Shanty Town Spirit Association's 10th anniversary event

Guests were treated to performances by the Royal Ballet and Association Ambassador Princess Jenna, along with a special video montage presented by Bayon TV. A huge raffle was held with hundreds of prizes given out. The association also handed out special certificates of appreciation to acknowledge the support of its main benefactors. A highlight of the evening was a special announcement regarding French football star Kylian Mbappé's contribution to the cause. Mbappé has donated one of his signed shirts, which will soon be auctioned off for charity. For more information about the shirt auction and how to participate, interested parties are encouraged to contact Shanty Town Spirit Association. 

Princess Jenna performing at Shanty Town Spirit Association's 10th anniversary event.
Jenna performing at Shanty Town Spirit Association's 10th anniversary event.

 Princess  The anniversary celebration was marked by collaborations with various entities such as Edan Group, Halys, Legend Cinema, Pernod Ricard, Urban Village, and SinnC Creative Solutions. The 10th anniversary of the Shanty Town Spirit - Association Ermine Norodom not only commemorated a decade of impactful work but also reinforced the continued commitment to the welfare of Cambodia's underprivileged communities. 

HRH Prince Narithipong Norodom and Princess Ermine Norodom handing out certificates of appreciation to benefactors - Shanty Town Spirit Association.
Prince Narithipong Norodom and Princess Ermine Norodom handing out certificates of appreciation to benefactors.

 HRH  For more information on Shanty Town Spirit Association, please contact: [email protected]

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