Cambodian Trademark Registrations Increased in 2020

The Cambodian Ministry of Commerce reported that local and international companies registered 7,997 trademarks in 2020. This represents an increase of 30 per cent compared to 2019. The Phnom Penh Post was informed by MoC Ministry spokesman Pen Sovicheat "that trademark registration offers protection for appellations of origin linked to specific geographical locations and associated qualities, reputations and characteristics, especially those designated as Geographical Indications (GI)." It was reported earlier in April 2021, that there were fewer businesses registrations in the Kingdom in 2020 caused by the global pandemic.

GI Registrations in Cambodia

The Ministry of Commerce is working on the domestic GI registrations of Kampot salt and “fleur de sel” (flower of salt). The MoC also aims to promote the current GI products of Cambodia which include: Kampong Speu Palm Sugar Photo Credit: A woman makes palm sugar in Kampong Speu province’s Oudong district. KT/Chor Sokunthea According to the PP Post article, in early 2021 the Ministry added a type of rice flake produced in Kampong Thom province under the domestic “Ambok Kampong Thom” GI label. Other potential products to be listed as GI are Khmer silk, Preah Vihear organic milled rice, Pursat oranges, Svay Rieng’s Smach milled Rice, durian from Battambang province’s Samlot district, Pailin longan and Neang Am milled rice. Products that are being reviewed for trademarks are:
  • “Nom Banh Chok Siem Reap” (a local variety of rice noodle).
  • Silver-copper sculpting typical of Kampong Luong and Koh Chin communes in Kandal province’s Ponhea Leu district.
  • Kampong Chhnang province-style pottery.
  • Steamed balut from Sre Ronong commune in Takeo province’s Tram Kak district.