Phnom Penh Lockdown Restrictions Reduced May 2021

The lockdown restrictions were eased in Phnom Penh as the Municipal Administration issued guidelines for the period from May 6 until May 12, 2021. Phnom PEnh COVID Zones May 2021 The easing of some restrictions in the Cambodian capital follows a period of lockdown that started in April 2021 and the city map zones which were introduced on April 26 2021. A 14-page document issued by the Phnom Penh municipal administration provided updates on the updated colour-coded designations of city areas, which mainly sees a reduction of orange zones and more yellow zones, which results in more freedom of travel and reopening of business and factories. It should be noted, there are similar rules in place within zones as during the previous lockdown period. These broadly mean:
  • Red Zones - People must remain in their residence except for “essential travel” (Prampi Makara, Tuol Kork, Meanchey, Russey Keo, Por Sen Chey and Chbar Ampov.)
  • Orange Zones - People can travel to “necessary work”.
  • Yellow Zones - All travel is permitted and the resumption of most businesses is allowed but following the health and safety guidelines.
The official maps can be found on the Ministry of Information Telegram Channel and online. The alcohol ban is still in place and the curfew from 8 PM - 3 AM is still enforced. Fines and sentences are still enforced for violators of restrictions.

Factories in Phnom Penh Re-open

The Labour Advisory Committee (LAC) has announced that factories and enterprises in areas with a "low incidence of COVID-19 can be allowed to resume operations". The re-opened factories are in the Yellow Zones and as many as 15,000 workers have resumed their jobs.
  • It is recommended that factories and enterprises should only have 50 per cent of their total employees working and in rotation every two weeks.
  • Those working the first two weeks should have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine; are not located in areas that require COVID-19 testing, and have had a COVID-19 test (with a certificate from the doctor) reports the Khmer Times.
  • Travel documents will be prepared by the ministry for those living in Yellow and Orange Zones.
Other conditions and changes also apply to ensure health and safety are enforced and minimise crowding and enforce social distancing.

Flights to Sihanoukville

Sihanoukville has also cancelled the quarantine requirement for inbound airline passengers from Phnom Penh and Siem Reap.

Travel to Siem Reap

The Siem Reap administration has confirmed that those who work or have other necessary business in Siem Reap will need to undergo mandatory COVID-19 tests and also a 14-day quarantine. This applies to all work, national and international tourists.