The Grand Online Shopping Fest 2021 - Cambodia

The Cambodian Ministry of Post and Telecommunications is set to host “The Grand Online Shopping Fest” from September 17-19 2021. The Grand Online Shopping Fest 2021 The festival, held in collaboration with The Idea Consultancy Co Ltd and UN Development Programme (UNDP) Cambodia, sets out to encourage online and digital shopping ether is purchasing, selling or paying to promote e-commerce in the Kingdom. A statement said: “The intention of the festival is to negate the economic effects of Covid-19 on the small-business economy in Cambodia, shift purchasing behaviour online, and [support] local small businesses to digitalise. The festival will provide an unprecedented opportunity for both vendors and customers to promote and access deals and a range of products from wherever they are located across the country,” it said in a statement. However data over the past 18 months suggests that shoppers have already naturally turned to online shopping during the pandemic, the Ministry has sought to hold this first-of-its-kind initiative reported the Phnom Penh Post. UNDP Cambodia launched a coalition dubbed “Stronger With Digital”, in partnership with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, as part of its Australian government-financed e-commerce acceleration programme. This aims to increase the knowledge and skills of MSMEs. This has seen a multimedia awareness campaign launched which aims to reach 3,100,000 consumers and 100,000 MSMEs "to encourage an increase in buying and selling through e-commerce and other digital platforms." Some of the participating companies at The Grand Online Shopping Fest 2021 include Nham24, Bloc Mall, VTenh, Khmum,, Ting!, GlobeSO, Casstack and Svibe. Payments will be available via ABA Bank and all products would be shipped by Tada and Grab. There is a flurry of activity in promoting digital payments and driving the digital economy in the Kingdom in 2021.

Cambodia e-Commerce Bussiness Registrations

The Ministry of Commerce also announced on September 15, 2021, via Notification No. 1143 that enterprises and companies need to register for conducting e-commerce operations in Cambodia before December 1 2021. A statement said that "the sole proprietorship, legal entity and branch of foreign companies that conduct e-commerce business without a license or license will face fines and or termination of business activities or face the measures set out in the legal documents in force" after December 1st.