Cambodia's FDI 2021 Increased by 11%

The National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) has announced that the FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) into the Kingdom grew by 11 per cent in 2021, with a variety of nations investing. NBC posted on their social media platforms, "Foreign direct investment in Cambodia as of the end of 2021 remained robust with a growth rate of 11.2% over the previous year. The increase was contributed by the investment from China, South Korea, Vietnam, Singapore, Japan and Malaysia into the finance, manufacturing, real estate, hotel and restaurant, agriculture, and construction sectors. Cambodia's FDI 2021 Image Credit: National Bank Cambodia Of all the investor nations, China remained the top contributor, with South Korea, Vietnam, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore also major contributors. The financial sector in Cambodia was the main beneficiary overall with nearly 23 per cent of total FDI, followed by manufacturing, real estate, hotel and restaurants and agriculture rounding out the top 5 sectors to benefit. Chenda Sophea, Secretary-General of the CDC, added that the positive investment climate was buoyed by the adoption of the strategic framework and programme for post-covid recovery 2021-2023, which is based on the 3Rs – Recovery, Reform, Resilience. At the start of April 2022, it was reported that in Q1 2022, Cambodia had received $2.4 billion worth of FDI. The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) had approved a total of 43 investment projects. Read more in recent interviews with Confluences and Palace Lane where business leaders discuss the positive investment environment in the Kingdom of Cambodia. You can also see further economic data for 2021 here.